Thousands and thousands of home computers in Germany and elsewhere getting blocked with the message from the headline or something simular to it. And no later than with the latest version of this kind of ransomware it is getting real.
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Responsible for this is a piece of crimeware – the so called police trojans. The latest version of this “police-themed” winlocker downloads the pictures of “Gabriela Nunez”, “Linda Green”, “Chin-Sun Kim” and “Ashlee Stiller” and are actually on the computer. By now, you are in possession of child pornography; without you like it or even know.

We strongly recommend: If you have been infected with such a trojan (now or in past), download and scan your computer with the tool HitmanPro and follow the instructions in our step-by-step advisories!

The removal tool HitmanPro (free of charge for home users; 30 days trial version) is specially designed for this purpose. It allows you to regain access to your computer (and delete the malware), and it removes the offending images from your hard disk.
If you need assistance in using the tool, simply log into our support forum!
What else can you do?

About 83% of all infections are caused by outdated programs on your computer and are preventable. To not miss an important update, we recommend auto-updater as CSIS Heimdal Security Agent.